About Me.
Dr. Tim Quigley's government career began as a United States Marine in February of 1995 and concluded as a Special Agent with the the FBI on March 31, 2023. As an infantryman in the Marines he was stationed at 29 Palms, California and as a Marine Security Guard, was stationed in Ankara, Turkey and Pretoria,South Africa. As a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Tim investigated and prosecuted numerous individuals who violated such federal crimes as Money Laundering, Securities Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, Advanced Title III Drug Cases, and other federal violations. As a Hostage/Crisis Negotiator, Tim has organized and facilitated the FBI’s 40 Hour Crisis Negotiation Course, been involved in national and international kidnappings, received two FBI Director's Awards (one for bravery and one for an international kidnapping), and has held every position on a crisis negotiation team while deployed with the Horry County Crisis Negotiation Team and the Myrtle Beach Crisis Negotiation Team. As an author, Tim has published the Evidence-Based Hostage/Crisis Negotiation Reference Guide and a study titled, "The Hostage/Crisis Negotiation Team Member's Perception of the Mental Health Professional." Tim received his Ph.D. in Forensic Psychology May of 2018. Tim has a beautiful wife and three amazing children. Our other site can be found https://evidence-basednegotiations.org/home

Our Services

Evidence-Based Law Enforcement Courses
Advanced Hostage/Crisis Negotiation Courses for:
The Hostage / Crisis Negotiation Team
Special Teams (SWAT, BOMB, CIT Teams)
911 Operators
School Resource Officers (SROs)
Other Law Enforcement courses approved, or soon to be approved, by the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy:
Effective Police Report Writing
Evidence collection and court presentation
De-escalation with U.S. Veterans in crisis
Interviewing & Interrogation
How to analyze and detail white-collar criminal cases
Reference Guides
Evidence-Based Hostage/Crisis Negotiation Reference Guide (2nd Edition)
The Hostage/Crisis Negotiation Reference Guide for the MHP (Coming Soon)
Speaking Engagements
Tim Quigley is available to speak with crisis negotiators on numerous topics in which he has been directly involved with including:
Negotiating with Fire
De-escalation and U.S. Veterans
De-escalation and the Active Shooter
Mental Health & the Crisis Negotiator

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